Stormy Tempest Season 2 continues! In the aftermath of Stormy Tempest: Torment in Time our heroine struggles to escape a psychedelic mental prison. She is trapped in an endless void with no hope of escape and taunted by an unseen foe. Her courage, her strength of will and her memories are violated. Her innermost fears rise up to consume her. Stormy is assaulted without warning and finds herself stripped of her defenses, her weapons… and her entire costume. Meanwhile the invading horde of evil Gorla Monks canvass the 21st century suburbs in search of their prey. And Lacey Slater, a beautiful and innocent young woman, begins an adventure that will give rise to one of the most powerful superheroines the world has ever known.
Nicola Rae returns as Stormy Tempest in a daring, unforgettable, sexy, provocative and nuanced performance that adds depth and dimension to Bill Black’s sci-fi superheroine. Pierce Knightley expands the personality of reluctant hero Eddie “The Chill” Karbunkle. Chris Casteel sets aside the gorilla suit and adds a touch of comic relief. And Aliya Hayes debuts as Lacey Slater, a character destined to become a “super” fan favorite. Watch it now!
Also Starring Ryan Miller, Cliff Weikal, Brenner Kaiser, Richard Shoner, and Andrew Stam. Script, editing and effects by JohnJG. Cinematography by Bill Black. Directed by Bill Black and JohnJG
Runtime: 21 Minutes (not including stunning new opening credits, outtakes and your first look at future episodes)
Windows Media format: 864×480 widescreen format